
Where is the folding screen of Mt. Azuchi?~ Searching for materials related to Azuchi Castle

We are searching for materials from Azuchi Castle, which was built in Azuchi (Omihachiman City, Shiga Prefecture) in 1576 by the warlord, Oda Nobunaga.

The item that most interests us is Azuchi Yamazu Byobu (Mt. Azuchi folding screen) in which Azuchi Castle and the town of Azuchi are depicted. Oda Nobunaga entrusted the screen to the Tensho Ken-o Shisetsu (Tensho Embassy) as a gift to the Pope. However, after being displayed in the Vatican’s Gallery of Maps, its present whereabouts are unknown.

We are searching for any information as we are interested in not only the folding screen of Mt. Azuchi, but all materials related to Azuchi Castle.

Please send any information to the following address:

 Email address: [email protected]

 Mailing address: 4-1-1 Kyo-machi, Otsu-shi, Shiga, JAPAN 520-8577

 TEL: (+81) 077-528-4678 / FAX: (+81) 077-528-4956

文化スポーツ部 文化財保護課 安土城・城郭調査係
メールアドレス:[email protected]
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